Have seen many queries on folks having physical queries but unsure of how to proceed.
Let me list the steps needed:
If the physical shares are in your (or your parents name), then open a demat account in your (or your parents) name and let the securities convert it into demat form for you.
Note that the demat account should be in the name of the physical share holder.
You cannot make a joint demat account and expect the physical shares to be converted.
Case 1. If the share is in your parents name (e.g only father)
Open a demat account in your father's name and get the physical share converted.
To convert in demat form, give the physical shares to the securities (they will make you fill out a form).
Case 2. If parent is not alive in above case
Write a letter to the registrar and get the account name changed in physical shares (need to provide death certificate)
Open a demat account in your name and get the physical shares converted
Case 3. If there is joint name in the physical shares and joint holders are alive
Either open a demat account in same joint holder format and convert
Write a letter to registrar with NOC (no object certificate) to remove one name.
Once name removed, follow procedure of opening a demat account.
Case 4. If the shares are in joint name but one person is not alive
Write a letter to the registrar and get the account name removed in physical shares (need to provide death certificate)
Once name removed, follow procedure of opening a demat account.